CS401 Grand Quiz Solution File

Q1. REPE and REPNE prefixes are only meaningful with _____________.
- None
Q. Which of the following bit that “Shift Logical Right” operation copies in the carry flag?
- Right most bit
- Left most bit
- Both of above
- None
Q. The clear screen operation initialize whole block of video memory to:
- 0820
- 0720
- 0620
- 0520
Q. ____ jump is not position relative but is absolute
- Off
- Far
- For
- None
Q. Which of the following directive is used to reserve a 8 bit space in the memory for holding data?
- Db
- Dbms
- Dt
- dg
Q. _______________ containing the address of the next instruction to be executed.
- Instruction Pointer
- Grand Pointer
- Aim Pointer
- None
Q. During the CALL operation, the current value of the ______________ is automatically saved on the stack, and the destination of CALL is loaded in the instruction pointer.
- Grand Pointer
- Instruction Pointer/
- Aim Pointer
- None
Q. Which of the following is a non-destructive AND operation?
- Check
- Test
- Both
- None
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Q. What does the following instruction do?
- Add both register and load value into an ax register
- Add two register and load value into an ax register
- Add both register and load value into an BX register
- None
Q. _____________refers to the total number of bits in a memory cell.
- Cell width
- Cell height
- Cell length
- Cell format
Q. _____and ______ cannot be used as 8bit register pairs like AX, BX, CX, and DX.
- DI, SI
- Both
- None
Q. AX and BX both are 16-bit register, if we perform AND operation on these two registers, then how many AND operations will be performed?
- 16 OR operation
- 16 AND operation
- both of Above
Q. Program consists of…………. Logical parts.
- 6
- 4
- 2
- 0
Q. 8088 is a ……….processor with its accumulator and all register of
- 16bits , 16bits
- 12bits, 12 bits
- 8bits, 16bits
Q. Which of the following operation is used to clear any specific bit in binary number?
- AR
Q. Whenever an instruction needs a memory source, ………. Holds the pointer to it.
- SI, DS
- DS, SI
- None of above
Q. The stack 8088 works on ……….sized elements.
- String
- Bytes
- Word
- Bit
Q. Which one of the following is an illegal instruction?
- MOV AX,65
- MOV BX,10
Q. Please choose one To transfer control back the RET instruction take
- Argument
- Arguments
- None
- All of above
Q. Please choose one
In STOSB instruction SI is decremented or incremented by
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Q. Please choose one
CMPS instruction subtracts the source location ______from the destination location.
Q.Regarding assembler, which statement is true:
- Assembler converts OPCODE to the corresponding mnemonics
- Assembler executes the assembly code all at once
- Assembler converts mnemonics to the corresponding OPCODE
- Assembler executes the assembly code step by step
Q. – Please choose one
If “BB” is the OPCODE of the instruction which states to “move a constant value to AX register”, the hexadecimal representation (Using little Endian notation) of the instruction “Mov AX,336” (“150” in hexadecimal number system) will be:
. 0xBB0150/
· 0x5001BB
· 0x01BB50
· 0xBB5001
Q. – Please chose one
In the instruction MOV AX, 5 the number of operands are
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Q. – Please choose one
The maximum parameters a subroutine can receive (with the help of registers) are
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
Q. – Please choose one
In assembly the CX register is used normally as a ______________register.
Q. Please choose one
All the addressing mechanisms in iAPX 8 8 return a number called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address .
· faulty
· indirect
· direct
Q. – Please choose one
When a 16 bit number is divided by an 8 bit number, the dividend will be in
. AX
· BX
· CX
· DX
Q. – Please choose one
in Left-Shift-Operation the left most bit _______
. will drop
· will go into CF
· Will come to the right most
· will be always 1
Q. Please choose one
Suppose the decimal number “35” after shifting its binary two bits to left, the new value becomes _________
- 35
- 70
- 140
- 120
Q. Please choose one
When divide overflow occurs processor will be interrupted this type of interrupt is called
- Hardware interrupt
- Software interrupt
- Logical interrupt
- Processor exception
Q. – Please choose one
Which mathematical operation is dominant during the execution of SCAS instruction
- Division
- Multiplication
- Subtraction
- Addition
Q. Please choose one
After the execution of REP instruction CX will be decremented then which of the following flags will be affected?
- CF
- OF
- No flags will be affected
- DF
Q. The execution of the instruction “mov word [ES:160],0x1230”will print a character on the screen at:
- Second column of second row
- First column of third row
- First column of second row/
- Second column of first row
Q. After the execution of STOSWB,the CX wil be……..
- Incremented by 1
- Incremented by 2
- Decremented by 1
- Decremented by 2
Q. The INT 0x13 service 0x03 is use to …
- Read disk sector
- Write disk sector
- Reset disk sector
- Get drive parameters
Q. Which of the following is the pair of register used to access memory in string instruction?
- DI and BP
- SI and BP
- DI and SI
- DS and SI
Q. Programmable interrupt controllers have two ports 20 and 21……port 20 is a control port while port 21 is ………..
- The interrupt make register
- Interrupt port
- Output port
- Input port
Q. Address is always go from:
- Processor to memory
- Memory to processor
- Memory to memory
- None of given
Q. Conditional jump can only:
- Far
- Short
- near
- all of the given
Q. which is the special prefix used for repeating a block
- rep
- repeat
- repb
- repe
Q. Lower 16 bits of EAX are labeled as
. AX
. BX
.none of above
Q. Which of the following IRQ is cascading interrupt
a. IRQ 0
b. IRQ 1
c. IRQ 2
d. IRQ 3
Q. Which of the following pins of parallel port are grounded
- 10-18
- 18-25
- 25-32
- 32-39
Q. By default CS is associated with
a. SS
b. BP
c. CX
d. IP
Q. Address always goes from
- Processor to meory
- Memory to processor
- Memory to memory
- None of the above
Q. 2. In case of COM File first command parameter is stored at ______ offset of program segment prefix.
- 0x80 (Not Confirm)
- 0x82
- 0x84
- 0x86
Q. Like addition with carry there is an instruction to subtract with borrows called____________.
- None
Q. Numbers of any size can be added using a proper combination of __________.
- ADD and ADC
- ABD and ADC
- Both
- None
Q. _______This jump is taken after a CMP if the unsigned source is smaller than or equal to the unsigned destination.
- JBE(Jump if not below or equal)
- JNA(Jump if not above)/JBE(Jump if not below or equal)/
- JNA(Jump if not above)
- No Jump fot This
Q. ______This jump is taken if the last arithmetic operation produced a zero in its destination.
After a CMP it is taken if both operands were equal.
- Jump if zero(JZ)
- Jump if equal(JE)
- Jump if zero(JZ)
- No Jump fot This
Q. In the case of unassigned source and destination when subtracting and in the result CR=0 then _______
- : DEST = SRC
- : DEST != SRC
Q. In the case of unassigned source and destination when subtracting and in the result ZF =0
AND CR=0 then _______
- : DEST = SRC
- : DEST != SRC
Q. In the case of unassigned source and destination when subtracting and in the result ZF =1 OR
CR=1 then _______
Q. When result of the source subtraction from the destination is zero, zero flag is set i.e. ZF=1 its mean that;
- : DEST = SRC
- : DEST != SRC
- : DEST < SRC
- : DEST > SRC
Q. JMP is Instruction that on executing take jump regardless of the state of all flags is called__________
- : Jump
- : Conditional jump
- : Unconditional jump
- : Stay
Q. In JNE and JNZ there is difference for only _____________;
- : Programmer or Logic
- : Assembler
- : Debugger
- : IAPX88
Q. In “ mov ax, [BL] ” there is error i.e. __________
- Address must be 16bit
- Address must be 4bit
- 8 bit to 16 bit move illegal
- None
Q. In “ mov [1234], al ” is _____________ Addressing Modes.
- Immediate
- Direct
- Indirect
- None
Q. In “ mov ax, [num1+bx] ” is ___________ ADDRESSING
- : OFFSET+ Indirect
- : Register + Direct
- : Indirect + Reference
Q. In “mov ax, [bx] ” is _____________ Addressing Modes
- : Based Register Indirect
- : Indirect
- : Base Indirect
- : Immediate
Q. In “ mov ax, bx ” is _____________ Addressing Modes.
- : Immediate
- : Indirect
- : Direct
- : Register
Q. in a Program CS, DS, SS, and ES all had the same value in them. This is called _____________________.
- : equel memory
- : overlapping segments
- : segments hidding
- : overlapping SI
Q. segments can only be defined a 16byte boundaries called _____________ boundaries.
- : segment
- : paragraph
- : Cell
- : RAM
Q. When adding two 20bit Addresses a carry if generated is dropped without being stored anywhere and the phenomenon is called address______.
- : wraparound
- : mode
- : ping