- The operating system is an example of a computer.
a. object
b. file system
c. program
d. desktop - Most operating systems are comprised of three main components: the file system, and the
shell, ……
a. desktop
b. kernel
c. user interface
d. code - The keeps track of directories and files.
a. kernel
b. file system
c. shell
d. user interface - Most often, you click the button when you want to select something.
a. middle
b. left
c. right
d. all of the above - Before the days of Windows, users interfaced with the operating system through a interface.
a. graphical
b. object oriented
c. command utility
d. command line - The is often used as part of a path.
a. comma
b. forward slash
c. backslash
d. semicolon - The …… is often used in a switch.
a. comma
b. forward slash
c. backslash
d. semicolon - The ………. is the entire window that fills your computer screen and its contents.
a. System Tray
b. Taskbar
c. Desktop
d. Quick Launch Toolbar - A quicker way to launch a program is to click on it in the _______.
a. System Tray
b. Taskbar
c. Desktop
d. Quick Launch Toolbar - This lets you move between applications without having to open and close them all the time.
a. System Tray
b. Taskbar
c. Desktop
d. Quick Launch Toolbar