Wireless Technologies Mcqs
In this Article we are trying to provide multiple choice Wireless Technologies mcqs, most advance and vital topic of Networking, which mostly used in PPSC EXAM and other Past papers. For further we will upload article as well as soon. So after reading the article , kindly place the your opinion in feedback.
- What is the maximum data rate for the 802.11g standard.??
- 22Mbps
- 44Mbps
- 54Mbps
- 64Mbps
- How many non-overlapping channels are available with 802.11a.??
- 4
- 8
- 12
- 16
- what is maximum distance running the lowest data rate of 802.11a.??
- About 100 feet
- About 125 feet
- About 175 feet
- About 400 feet
- You are connenting your access point and it is set to root. What does Extended Service Set Id means.??
- That you have multiple access points, but they are placed physically in different buildings.
- That you have more than one access point and they are in separate SSIDs connected by a distribution system.
- That you have more than one access point and they are in the same SSID connected by a distribution system.
- None
- What is frequency range of the IEEE 802.11g standard.???
- 2.4Gbps
- 2.4GHz
- 2.0 Gbps
- 2.2GHz