Computer Networks 800+ Important Mcqs For All

Computer Networks (Application Layer)

In this Article we are trying to provide multiple choice Computer Networks mcqs, which mostly used in PPSC EXAM and other Past papers. For further we will upload article as well as soon.  These Mcqs are very beneficial for PPSC, FPSC all types of Papers conducted by Govt,or Non Govt agencies in Pakistan.

Networking Mcqs, For All type Test Prepare (Set 1)

1. Wireless transmission can be done via

 a) radio waves

b) microwaves

 c) infrared

d) all of the mentioned

2. A single channel is shared by multiple signals by

 a) analog modulation

 b) digital modulation

 c) multiplexing

 d) none of the mentioned

3. The physical layer translates logical communication requests from the ______ into hardware specific operations.

 a) data link layer

 b) network layer

 c) trasnport layer

 d) application layer

4. The physical layer is responsible for

 a) line coding

 b) channel coding

 c) modulation

 d) all of the mentioned

5. In asynchronous serial communication the physical layer provides

 a) start and stop signaling

 b) flow control

 c) both (a) and (b)

 d) none of the mentioned

6. physical layer provides

 a) mechanical specifications of electrical connectors and cables

 b) electrical specification of transmission line signal level

c) specification for IR over optical fiber

 d) all of the mentioned

7. The portion of physical layer that interfaces with the media access control sublayer is called

a) physical signalling sublayer

b) physical data sublayer

 c) physical address sublayer

 d) none of the mentioned

8. Bits can be send over guided and unguided media as analog signal by

 a) digital modulation

 b) amplitude modulation

 c) frequency modulation

 d) phase modulation

9. Which transmission media has the highest transmission speed in a network?

 a) coaxial cable

 b) twisted pair cable

 c) optical fiber

 d) electrical cable

10. The physical layer concerns with

 a) bit-by-bit delivery

 p) process to process delivery

 c) application to application delivery

 d) none of the mentioned




Read More: Data Link Layer Mcqs


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