Networking Basics Mcqs
In this Article we are trying to provide multiple choice Basics Networking mcqs, most advance and vital topic of Networking, which mostly used in PPSC Lecturer EXAM and other Past papers. For further we will upload article as well as soon. So after reading the article , kindly place the your opinion in feedback.
- Which command id used to create a backup configuration.??
- config mem
- copy running backup
- copy running-config startup-config
- wr mem
- How long is an IPv6 address?
- 32 bits
- 128 bits
- 64 bits
- 512bits
- Which command is used to upgrade an IOS on a Cisco Router.??
- copy tftp run
- copy tftp start
- copy tftp flash
- none
- if you wanted to delete the configuration stored in NVRAM, what would you type.??
- delete nvram
- erase running
- erase startup
- erase nvram
- what PPP protocol Provides dynamics addressing , authentication and multilink.??
- X.25