Fundamental of Computer Mcqs Set 2

Fundamental of Computer Mcqs Set 2

  1. A computer consists of
    A) A central processing unit
    B) A memory
    C) Input and output unit
    D) All of the above
  • John Napier invented Logarithm in
    A) 1614
    B) 1617
    C) 1620
    D) None of above
  • An integrated circuit is
    A) A complicated circuit
    B) An integrating device
    C) Much costlier than a single transistor
    D) Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip
  • If in a computer, 16 bits are used to specify address in a RAM, the number of addresses will be
    A) 216
    B) 65,536
    C) 64K
    D) Any of the above
  • Instructions and memory address are represented by
    A) Character code
    B) Binary codes
    C) Binary word
    D) Parity bit
  • People often call ______ as the brain of computer system
    A) Control Unit
    B) Arithmetic Logic Unit
    C) Central Processing Unit
    D) Storage Unit
  • The first computer introduced in Nepal was
    A) IBM 1400
    B) IBM 1401
    C) IBM 1402
    D) IBM1402
  • Mnemonic a memory trick is used in which of the following language?
    A) Machine language
    B) Assembly language
    C) High level language
    D) None of above
  • Which generation of computer is still under development
    A) Fourth Generation
    B) Fifth Generation
    C) Sixth Generation
    D) Seventh Generation
  1. Which was the most popular first generation computer?
    A) IBM 1650
    B) IBM 360
    C) IBM 1130
    D) IBM 2700

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