Civil Engeerning Mcqs
- In this Article we are trying to provide multiple choice Civil Engneering mcqs, which mostly used in PPSC EXAM and other Past papers. For further we will upload article as well as soon. This article would be beneficial for all students to attempt exam conduct by PPSC,FPSC and other Sectors.

- Granite mainly composed of quartz and felsper particles, is obtained
- Sedimentary rocks
- Metamorphic rocks
- Igneous rocks
- None of these
- Geologically, marble is known as
- Sedimentary rocks
- b.Metamorphic rocks
- c.Igneous rocks
- d.None of these
- Lime stones are generally known as
- Aqueous rocks
- Startifield rocks
- Sedimentary rocks
- None of these
- Gniess is obtained from
- Aqueous rocks
- Startifield rocks
- Sedimentary- Metamorphic rocks
- None of these
- Dolomite is a lime stone which contains carbonate of magnesia upto
- 15%
- 25%
- 20%
- 45%